Companies That Buy Term Life Insurance Policies – Find Out Now!

feaed – If you have a term life insurance policy that you no longer need, you may be able to sell it for cash to a company that specializes in buying life insurance policies. This can be a great way to get some money back from a policy that you no longer need or can no longer afford to pay for.

Hey, what’s up plant lovers! Today, we’re going to talk about something that might surprise you. Did you know that some companies buy term life insurance policies? Yes, you read it right! Instead of individuals purchasing life insurance, companies buy them from policyholders. You might be wondering, why would they do that? Let’s dive deeper into the topic and find out!

Why Do Companies Buy Term Life Insurance Policies?

Why Do Companies Buy Term Life Insurance Policies?

Companies buy term life insurance policies for various reasons. Some buy them to mitigate risks, while others use them as investments. Here are some common reasons why companies buy term life insurance policies:

1. Key Person Coverage

Companies can buy term life insurance policies on the lives of their key employees or executives. These policies provide coverage if the key person passes away, which can help the company cover the expenses associated with losing a valuable member of their team.

2. Business Continuation

When a business owner dies, the business may suffer financial consequences. This is where a term life insurance policy can come in handy. By purchasing a policy, the company can ensure that there is enough cash flow to continue business operations in the event of the owner’s death.

3. Collateral Assignment

A company can buy a term life insurance policy on an individual and use it as collateral for a business loan. This can help the company secure financing by providing additional collateral.

4. Pension Plan Funding

Companies can also use term life insurance policies to fund their pension plans. By purchasing policies on the lives of their employees, the company can ensure that there is enough money to fund the pension plan when it’s time to make payouts.

How Do Companies Buy Term Life Insurance Policies?

Now that you know why companies buy term life insurance policies let’s move on to how they purchase them. Here are the steps:

1. Authorization

Before buying a policy, the company needs to get authorization from the policyholder. This can be done through a contract or an agreement.

2. Valuation

The company needs to determine the value of the policy. This depends on the insured’s age, health condition, and the policy’s cash value.

3. Negotiation

After determining the value, the company negotiates with the policyholder to agree on a price. The price may be less than the policy’s face value, but it’s usually more than the policy’s cash value.

4. Payment

Once the price is agreed upon, the company pays the policyholder. The policyholder then transfers ownership of the policy to the company.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Selling Your Life Insurance Policy to a Company?

Selling your life insurance policy to a company can have advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look:


  • Immediate cash flow
  • Elimination of premium payments
  • No need for continued medical exams
  • Less paperwork compared to traditional life insurance policies


  • Less value than the policy’s face value
  • The company can make a profit from your death
  • No possibility of reinstating the policy once it’s sold
  • Potential tax implications


In conclusion, companies can buy term life insurance policies for various reasons, and the process of purchasing them is straightforward. If you’re considering selling your life insurance policy to a company, make sure you weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. We hope this article has shed some light on companies that buy term life insurance policies. Until next time, keep your plants healthy and green!

FAQs About Companies That Buy Term Life Insurance Policies

1. What are companies that buy term life insurance policies?

These are companies that purchase existing term life insurance policies from policyholders and then become responsible for paying the premiums and receiving the death benefit when the policyholder passes away.

2. Why would someone want to sell their term life insurance policy to a company?

There are several reasons why someone might want to sell their policy, including needing money for medical bills, wanting to pay off debts, or simply no longer needing the coverage. Selling a policy can also be a more cost-effective option than surrendering it back to the insurance company.

3. Do all term life insurance policies qualify for sale?

No, not all policies will qualify for sale. Generally, policies must be in force for at least two years and have a death benefit of at least $100,000.

4. How do companies determine the value of a policy?

The value of a policy is determined based on a variety of factors, including the policy’s death benefit, the policyholder’s age and health status, and the premiums required to maintain the policy.

5. How long does it take to sell a policy to a company?

The process can take anywhere from one to three months depending on the company’s underwriting process and the complexity of the policy being sold.

6. How much money can someone expect to receive when selling their policy?

The amount of money someone receives will depend on the value of the policy and the terms negotiated with the buying company. Generally, policyholders can expect to receive between 10-30% of the policy’s death benefit.

7. Is selling a term life insurance policy taxable?

The sale of a life insurance policy can be taxable, but there are exceptions. If the policy is sold for less than the policy’s cash surrender value, then the transaction may be tax-free. It’s important to consult with a tax professional before selling a policy.

8. How can someone find a reputable company to sell their policy to?

It’s important to do research and due diligence before selling a policy to any company. Look for companies that have been in business for several years, have a good reputation and track record, and are licensed in your state.

9. Do companies that buy term life insurance policies have personal experience to share?

Yes, many of these companies have personal experience to share, both from their own perspective as a purchaser of policies and from the policyholders who have sold to them.

10. What should someone consider before selling their policy to a company?

It’s important to consider the value of the policy, the potential tax implications, and the financial stability of the buying company before selling a policy. It’s also important to understand that selling a policy means giving up the death benefit and any future value the policy may have.

In conclusion, selling a term life insurance policy to a company can be a viable option for those who need extra cash or no longer need the coverage. However, it’s important to understand the process and potential risks before making a decision. If you’re considering selling your policy, do your research, consult with a professional, and choose a reputable company. Thank you for reading this article. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to share them.

How to Pick the Perfect Term Life Insurance Policy | Video